Please choose either JellyBOX 2 or JellyBOX Original below.

JellyBOX 2 – Preface

  • JellyBOXes exists in many variants. Some have cold bed, some have the heated bed, some have one filament fan, some have two.

It is essential that you select the right firmware for your JellyBOX depending on your specific configuration.

Firmware: JB-Marlin-2.0-RC4.2
(NEWEST for JellyBOX 2)

released on May 22, 2018

This is a major upgrade with a completely overhauled menu and new functionality.


JellyBOX Original – Preface

  • JellyBOXes exists in many variants. Some have cold bed, some have the heated bed, some have one filament fan, some have two.

It is essential that you select the right firmware for your JellyBOX depending on your specific configuration.

Firmware: JB-Marlin-2.0-RC3.2
(NEWEST for JellyBOX original)

released on February 10, 2018

This is a cosmetic upgrade.

The configuration for heated bed with one green probe erroneously states that it’s for cold bed.

The hex files have been regenerated, and read as 2.0-RC3.2
They are functionally the same as 2.0-RC3.1

Firmware: JB-Marlin-2.0-RC3.1

released on Jan 17, 2018

This is a cosmetic update.

Thanks to @pzaremba and his voltage regulator related troubleshooting trouble on the IMADE3D forum, we discovered that when you upgrade to jb-marlin-2.0-RC3, your JellyBOX will still incorrectly report it runs 2.0-RC2.

This made it very difficult to tell which version your JellyBOX is running, whether RC2 or RC3.

2.0-R3.1 fixes this bug. In all other aspects, this release is identical to RC3.

Firmware: JB-Marlin-2.0-RC3

released on Nov 27, 2017

For a full writeup on JB-Marlin-2.0-RC3 head over to the accompanying forum post.

Firmware: JB-Marlin-2.0-RC2

released on Nov 14, 2017

For a full writeup on JB-Marlin-2.0-RC2 head over to the blog.

Firmware: JB-Marlin-1.1

released on Nov 18, 2016

Here on github is the changelog for this version.